…Raising guts to win

Everybody can win but not everyone wins, The divide between winners and losers is the drive to win. If you are willing enough for victory, you will raise your game, fight your fights, rise from defeats, swim against the tide, pay the price for success and eventually hold in your hands the victory of champions. What it takes to win is the guts to GO FOR IT!

About the book

GO FOR IT, is a ground breaking inspirational book. It is a highly packed motivational drive designed to inspire a life that count.

Every Chapter of the book is loaded with depth of insight and charge-up drive to build up courage to dream; raise the guts to pursue the dream and earn a colourful life. If you ever desire to be a champion and walk in the reality of your desired life, GO FOR IT, is the book design you need to push yourself and mobilize your energy to fight for the prize of a great life.

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Power of Mindset

Power of Focus

Power of Harnessed Strength

Power of Determination

About the author

Chris Ososa Asuelime, is a dynamic Public Speaker, a Social Crusader, an Author, a Business Executive - C.E.O. of TenMarch Communications Limited, and the President of Chris Ososa Rock Ministries. Chris Asuelime is a product of the prestigious University of Lagos.

 He is married to Temitayo Olaronke Asuelime and they are blessed with four fantastic sons: KingChris (Excel), McChris (Praise), Chris Junior (Joshua) and Chris-Santos (Noah).

Life doesn't care "if you know better". Life just happens, and you have no excuse for not being better informed about the intricacies of life. Chris Asuelime's "Go for it! ...Raising guts to Win" is what I will call an "Excuse destroyer". Now, you have no excuse to make wrong choices, take wrong turns or fail to stand up strong, with the guts to go for it! Chris Ososa Asuelime lays out everything you need to know to live your life to the fullest in this book.

Damola Adenle
Director of Studies,
Lagos Film School


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